Botox vs Microcurrent: paralysis vs stimulation.

Botox is effectively paralyzing the muscle to prevent or release wrinkles. Microcurrent is actually stimulating the muscles with electrical current to keep it young. The two approaches give different benefits and we want to explain to our clients why we LOVE microcurrent, and why you can give spare yourself the needles!

Fillers like Botox can fill in a line or add volume but may not be able to sculpt and define large areas for a natural look. As the alternative, microcurrent is great for sculpting the jawline, cheeks and lifting the brows to open up the eyes.

For a refresher on Microcurrent, read more on our FAQ page.

Can microcurrent replace botox?

If you are diligent with microcurrent, and fine lines haven’t been etched into the skin yet, it can almost replace Botox! Botox will relax a muscle so it doesn’t contract as much, where microcurrent can maintain muscle tone and generate controlled muscular activity.

Microcurrent specialists agree that microcurrent can replace Botox. When microcurrent is done correctly it develops new collagen and elastin. It also depends on the kind of line and where on the face the lines are. Different wrinkles respond differently to microcurrent treatment.

Commitment is key! Most clients see an immediate lift after a treatment, and that lift can last about five or six hours. After two sessions spaced a few days apart, that lift will last even longer, and so on. If you want to make a long-term change in your face, commit to two sessions per week for a month and then get a professional treatment every 4-6 weeks.

Take a look at some of the amazing results for our clients after getting microcurrent treatments with us.


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